Adore Your Pelvic Floor

The Adore Your Floor Programme

We are an accredited pelvic floor health programme endorsed and supported by Specialist Pelvic Health Physios


The Adore Your Floor Programme is for all women who would like to understand, or are experiencing, issues surrounding their pelvic floor, including bladder, bowel, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and would like to resolve symptoms.

Health providers recommend our programme as a great resource during all phases of life; in pregnancy, postnatal rehab, during menopause and for women as part of their prehab to gynae surgery or rehab.

Every woman who takes part in our endorsed pelvic floor health programme will work with a dedicated Adore Your Floor Coach, all receiving a detailed health screening with an individual exercise programme.

Part of the programme you will receive the supporting Resource hub with bite size videos, printable written content, advice sessions presented by Specialist Pelvic Health Physios, and additional useful information.

We work towards your goals to enable RESULTS for your health, lifestyle, and physical and mental well-being.

The Adore Your Floor Programme provides:

  • 12 Week Programme
  • Four sessions with your Adore Your Floor Coach
  • Adore Your Floor Resource Hub with a comprehensive library of videos, written content and advice from Specialist Pelvic Health Physios
  • Exclusive Adore Your Floor Programme Facebook Support Group
  • How to recruit correct pelvic floor contraction
  • Stabilising and improving conditions of stress/urge incontinence
  • Bowel conditions
  • Issues of prolapse and the management
  • Exercises to incorporate with your fitness regime to help improve pelvic floor reaction
  • Regular contact throughout the course
  • Specialist Pelvic Health Physio contact available on request


Coach Listings

Contact us Now

Cheeky No Leaky


“I’ve learned not to be scared of my vagina. After the horrendous birth & previous mild prolapse I was too worried to try anything!!!


It’s an honour to teach Adore Your Floor when we receive testimonials such as this…
“Last year I was broken, this year I feel human. I cannot thank you enough.”


Issues with the pelvic floor have been normalised – BUT it is not normal!


On average it takes 7 yrs for a woman to seek help for incontinence! The sooner you take action the easier it is to restore pelvic health.


We have the COMPLETE pelvic floor programme


Adore Your Pelvic Floor Class
Adore Your Pelvic Floor Class
Adore Your Pelvic Floor Class
Adore Your Pelvic Floor

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